I have been in Chicago for about 6 months now studying at Moody Theological Seminary. It has been a crazy 6 months. Like any move you regret it and you wonder,
"why am I here, how did I get here?"
Since moving to Chicago in August the thought has haunted me. I can't lie, I have thought about giving up and quitting. I have played the what if game over and over again, but then after talking with some wise friends and seeking Christ in this He reminds why I came here in the first place.
I am here to learn and to grow, because I know that I am not ready for Ecuador. I need to be better equipped and better trained. Christ has also shown me that I need a better support group for leaving. While I am here I am not only getting a degree, but building a group of friends who will support me as I go to Ecuador.
I read something that hit very close to home:
"Many Christians considering full-time missionary service are more fearful of support raising than of being martyred on the mission field" --Betty Barnett
I can't tell you how true that fear is for me. When I started raising support it terrified me--still does. Support raising is more than just asking people for money, it is getting them to stand behind you in a ministry and be your friend through it.
So, while I am here in Chicago working and getting better equipped for ministry in Ecuador I also here to build a support group of friends. I am finally at a point where I can say I enjoy being here for that purpose and I praise God for that!
I appreciate your prayers as I continue to study and grow.
Excellent thoughts, my friend!