Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Yo dis message was on point

This Sunday I was almost in a losing battle about whether or not to get up and go to church... I won though, and when I heard the message I knew Jesus was speaking right to me. 
My Pastor just started a series through Nehemiah; we were in the second chapter this week. 
The part that really hit home for me was: “The hand of the Lord was upon Nehemiah”.
My pastor talked about how when we do things we need to pray that the hand of the Lord is upon us, so that we know we aren’t moving without God. With the hand of God on us it is God who is doing all the work. 
Hearing that made me realize maybe I need to change the way I’m praying about support (prayer and financial). So... I”m going to start praying that the hand of God is on me in this journey. With His hand on me nothing is impossible! 
Join me in prayer :) 


  1. Mary, I am praying for you. The Lord does not often move as fast as we would like, but then we would miss the opportunity to learn HOW to trust Him and give thanks in all things. You are so precious to HIM.
