Graduation is over!!!
This month I have started going hard at raising my funding for Ecuador. I was so excited when I received the first set of emails saying they would support me =)
Along with that, I've felt God asking me to serve while I am still in the US. I felt Him asking me to take the youth group at Reisterstown Baptist Church to camp this summer. I'm really excited about this opportunity . . . and slightly terrified. This will be good training and experience for what I will be doing in Ecuador. Keep this in prayer. I need all the prayer I can get ;)
Since, my dad is Puerto Rican I wanted to see if Puerto Rican food had any similarity to the food in Ecuador. So . . . google helped me find what kinds of foods I would be eating.
The most interesting food I found . . . . Not at all like food from PR!

On that note . . .continue to pray for me.