So it has been forever since I have blogged! Sorry!! Lots has happened since my last post. Lets see... well I am taking a detour from Ecuador and going to Moody Bible Institute to get my Masters in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship. I am still working with SIM and plan to begin raising support again once I obtain my degree.
I know what you are thinking... Isn't Moody in Chicago? Why yes, it is! I am moving this Aug to live on campus and be a part of the community there. I'm excited and scared... Reisterstown is nothing like a big city and I get lost easily haha!
Well, now that we are all (or mostly) caught up I wanted to talk about something that has been on my heart.
It really isn't anything new, but I have just noticed the fallenness of today. I was hanging out after work one night talking with one of my coworkers and my mind was blown. You see she was flirting with one of our other coworkers and when he walked away immediately said "I'm going to do him". Mind blown!
It made me so sad and my heart just breaks for this generation. This generation is so pleasure driven and blunt about it. I'm sure it's not much different from previous generations, but I believe it has gotten worse with my generation. There is no respect for others, let alone respect for ourselves. Everything is about pleasure.
I've been praying about how I can be a witness for Christ in my generation. I choose to live my life for Him and to live for honor not pleasure. I choose to find my pleasure in Him and through Him. My challenge for you is to do the same!