Saturday, July 2, 2011

Murphy's Law

No pun intended in the title of this blog!

Last week I took the youth of RBC to ReCharge camp. A really good friend of mine warned me that it was going to be rough . . . and it was.

We started off well on Sunday, but when Monday rolled around Murphy's Law came into play. What I mean by this is that there was no way to prepare for the journey Christ was putting into motion for the rest of the week. I had thought about all the things that could go wrong, but apparently hadn't thought of everything.

The group was not unified at the beginning of camp, and it caused a lot of awkwardness as well as rough patches.

The group needed to come together; it needed to be unified. Walls needed to be broken, and hurt needed to be healed (a lot of hurt).

I can't say we accomplished all this last week, but Christ did accomplish what He wanted. The group is unified, and they now know they can rely on one another.

Friday morning after a long week, I read some old notes from my Hebrews class. It said, "God doesn't intend for to make life easy, but He intends for us to be victorious through the difficulties." This was such a great reminder since by the end of the week things had turned out better. I had felt defeated and like I had failed, but one of my youth got saved, another found freedom, a third stepped up as a leader, and the group is in unity. So in the end of the week we were victorious!!

Pray for them as Christ continues to work in their lives.

Also keep my funds in prayer as I need supporters.

Thank you =)